Winter 2021

The Preventers

Protecting health requires a mighty team

Features|Winter 2021

Stress Test

Knowing COVID-19 endangers the heart, cardiovascular leaders are helping people reduce their cardiac risk in the hospital, at home, and in the future.

by Lauren Thompson

Paths to Better Health

For three Brigham patients, embracing healthy habits has been a life-changing journey—especially amid an ongoing pandemic.

by Jennifer Reardon

Containing Contagion

People around the globe are contending with multiple contagions: COVID-19, the spread of misinformation, and distrust of science.

by Sarah Jackson, Lauren Thompson, and Joy Howard

Advancements in Prevention

From smallpox inoculations to seatbelt regulations, prevention has a long and winding history.

by Rebekah Edwards

Departments|Winter 2021

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Erasing Immunity

Brigham researchers explain why the measles vaccine is more important than we knew.

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Brigham experts share tips for managing stress and anxiety while navigating COVID-19, social injustice, and other stressors.

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