Unbounded Possibilities

Betsy Nabel, MD, celebrates visionaries who use technologies to foster innovation and creativity, and communication and collaboration.

by Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD

When I learned the renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking had died, I felt a sense of personal loss. Perhaps you did, too. Though I didn’t know Hawking, I have long admired his ability to translate mind-boggling science in ways that made it understandable, even familiar.

One of my favorite quotes of Hawking’s speaks directly to The Brigham Way: “[Our] greatest achievements have come about by talking, and [our] greatest failures by not talking. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.”

In science, medicine, and healthcare, technology has always played an important role in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Hawking was a shining example of this, as he used technology to continue sharing his discoveries after the effects of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, made it impossible for him to speak.

Being a beacon of hope is a tremendous responsibility and honor we take very seriously.

Every day, people come to Brigham Health’s hospitals and clinics seeking care, compassion, and hope. Being a beacon of hope is a tremendous responsibility and honor we take very seriously. And we balance our commitment to care for the sickest of the sick with our mission to keep people healthy through wellness and prevention efforts. We do this by listening to where people are and talking with them about where they want to be.

The Brigham Way is all about embracing our roles as leaders in medicine by listening, speaking, thinking, and acting boldly to care for everyone who comes to us, as well as those around the globe who benefit from our breakthroughs. I hope you share my excitement in learning more about the many ways in which visionary clinicians and scientists of the Brigham are using technologies to foster innovation and creativity, communication and collaboration.


Betsy Signature
Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD

Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Brigham Health